The Joe Evans Singers

Home CDs and Tapes Joe-Bob K.I.C.K.O.

Who do you know who has a girlfriend named Charmin Ledbetter and a pet pig named Sophie and got his first guitar by selling 4,000 cans of Red Bud Salve?

Why. Little Joe Bob Quiggly of course.

Joe Bob was "discovered" at a hog-calling contest in his native Stinking Creek Tennessee.

Listen to some of these observations from Joe Bob himself:

"I learned to sing by listening to my dogs out coon hunting. Them dogs had some great harmony. It took them a long time to learn the words, though.

"I was born on Stinking Creek. Nobody knows for sure just when I was born because none of us Quigglys ever learned to count very well. All we could do was multiply.

"During the week we raised cattie, pigs and different crops. On the weekends we just raised cain.

"The other day I bought me and Sophia, my pet pig. a cowboy hat and gun and holster set. The cowboy hat looks good on her, but the holsters keep dragging the ground."
Ask me about the "Joe-Bob" doll. He's fun!

Joe Evans
3700 Guinn Road
Knoxville, TN  37931


(865) 927-4596

© 2004 The Joe Evans Singers